Category Archives: rehabilitation

Impact of Sound conference

We presented two papers at the Multimodal Motor Behaviour : Impact of Sound conference, organized by Leibniz Unversität in Hannover and the ETH Institute of Thechnology of Zurich; which took place 09.31 and 10.01 in Hannover.

  • E. O. Boyer, L. Colin Malagon, F. Bevilacqua, P. Susini and S. Hanneton, “Continuous sound feedback in tracking tasks“,
    presenting an ongoing work comparing different sonification mappings and their contribution to a 2D visual tracking task.
  • F. Bevilacqua, A. Vanzandt-Escobar, N. Schnell, E. O. Boyer, N. Rasamimanana, S. Hanneton and A. Roby-Brami, “Sonification of the coordination of arm movements“,
    introducing the primary work on hemiparesis rehabilitation with real-time sound feedback.


Screenshot of a demo video showing a prototype to simulate hemiparetic patients.