Author Archives: Eric Boyer

The Virtual Bath Tub

The virtual bath tub is an interactive virtual surface in the air the user can interact with, as if there were a bath tub filled will water in front of him.

Inspired from foley artists issues to manipulate water, this scenario allows playing with splash and underwater sound sequences related to the energy of the movement.

Conception: Eric O. Boyer.

Motion capture with Leap Motion Device.
Sound synthesis made with MuBu objects (
Sound materials by Roland Cahen and Diemo Schwarz (Topophonie Project).

Legos Days – 18 & 19th March 2014

Conference, demos and discussion days on auditory feedback for motor learning, music, interacion and rehabilitation.

Thirty researchers, teachers and students attended the Legos Days on March 18th and 19th 2014 at IRCAM. We organized two days of conference, demos and discussion around diverse topics:

  • auditory feedbakc for motor learning, continuous and rhythmic aspects
  • sonification and perception of drawing movements
  • motor rehabiltation, with special cases of stroke patients, musicians and dystonic children
  • relationships between auditory and body perception in sonic surface interactions
  • interactive sound design and auditory object affordances

The goal of this event was to gather people working on interactive auditory feebback with different approaches and applications, which is an emerging community among people coming from computer science, audio processing, neuroscience, rehabilitation and sports.
Hands-on demos and intense discussions gace rise to news collaboration opportunities and exchange words on latest findings, experimental protocols and formalization of concepts.

Invited speakers:

  • Floris van Vugt, IMMM Hannover and CAP lab in Lyon
    Auditory feedback in learning, re-learning and over-learning of motor regularity.
  • Ana Tajadura-Jiménez, Laboratory of Action and Body, UCLIC, University College London Sonification of surface interactions: Influences on body sense, surface perception, behavior and emotion

  • Etienne Thoret, Laboratoire de Mécanique et d’Acoustique (LMA Marseille)
    Auditory perception of drawing movements: when motor cues shape auditory cognitive processes.

Local speakers:
Eric O. Boyer, Frédéric Bevilacqua, Houix Olivier (IRCAM)
Latest updates on the Legos project.

Demos made by:
Eric O. Boyer, Jules Françoise, Olivier Houix, Frédéric Bevilacqua (IRCAM)
Etienne Thoret (LMA Marseille)

Eric O. Boyer & Frédéric Bevilacqua (IRCAM)

ACM Multimedia 2013

3 contributions accepted at the 21st ACM international conference on Multimedia in Barcelona, Spain. These works describe our current approach and technology we are developing to build motion-sound interactive systems. These systems should favor the building of an action-perception loop (motion-sound) and should facilitate the sensori-motor learning, which will be evaluated next.

Jules Françoise won the Best Doctoral Symposium Paper (see below)

Short paper


Doctoral Consortium

CMMR 2013 : Sound Music & Motion

2 Papers accepted for the conference Computer Muisc Multidisciplinary Research 2013 : Sound, Music & Motion.


Impact of Sound conference

We presented two papers at the Multimodal Motor Behaviour : Impact of Sound conference, organized by Leibniz Unversität in Hannover and the ETH Institute of Thechnology of Zurich; which took place 09.31 and 10.01 in Hannover.

  • E. O. Boyer, L. Colin Malagon, F. Bevilacqua, P. Susini and S. Hanneton, “Continuous sound feedback in tracking tasks“,
    presenting an ongoing work comparing different sonification mappings and their contribution to a 2D visual tracking task.
  • F. Bevilacqua, A. Vanzandt-Escobar, N. Schnell, E. O. Boyer, N. Rasamimanana, S. Hanneton and A. Roby-Brami, “Sonification of the coordination of arm movements“,
    introducing the primary work on hemiparesis rehabilitation with real-time sound feedback.


Screenshot of a demo video showing a prototype to simulate hemiparetic patients.